Welcome to

The Balter Company

The Balter Company has faithfully served the needs of all its clients since its founding in June 24, 1986.

We think of our clients as family and we do our very best to keep them happy and satisfied.  We try to help if they need Medicare Supplements, Life Insurance, Dental Coverage, Paycheck Protection, Group or Individual Major Medical, assistance with Payroll and HR, College Planning, or even Pet Medical.


To us, insurance isn’t just a job, but a calling. We have been in business for 36 years. We have remained small and when you call our office, the chances of you talking to a real person and not an answering machine are very good!

Most of the people we talk to don’t know how much they are paying for life insurance or what kind they have. They also have no disability coverage and don’t know what they are eligible for. Imagine what would happen to you if you missed just one or two paychecks! Accidents or serious illnesses do happen and for very little money consumers can protect themselves with disability coverage.

We even offer educational sessions for people as they think about transitioning to Medicare.  An Educated Consumer is a Smart Consumer!